Oil and Clay


Inspired by a town filled with Artists , sculpture , paintings and art galleries, Tony began painting and sculpting during the summer of 1996 after spending some time in Dinard  Brittany, France.
A background in print , a love for stop motion animation and photography all come together in recent works , prompting social commentary and observation of the world around him and those closest to him .

Most painted works are finished in oil on canvas or wood panel. Sculptures are fashioned from wood , paper , clay
or whatever material is flexible enough and available.

For enquiries, purchases or commissions please contact us using the form below.

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  • Bewley Lane, Lacock, Chippenham, UK

June 2024

Working on a much smaller version of a similar project to this for my own garden at home. I think I need a bigger studio. The skill of these guys is off the scale .https://www.facebook.com/groups/351961192049529/permalink/1524701138108856/?

I also managed to finish two paintings in between new house renovations.

Very pleased to have five of my sculptures included in Collect Arts magazine
at the start of this year .
If you would like to have a scroll through I am included along with 8 other artists all producing very interesting work . Here is the link.

More applications to write and Rembrandtandfriends.com have issued a monthly challenge , which definitely spurs me on .

Here’s to more sunshine . Unless of course you’re roasting somewhere with the aircon turned to maximum .

The last picture is of a little figurine finally finished . He is called “Pinch of Salt”

Follow the link below for a better view.

“Pinch of Salt”
